SeeClickFix Blog #3

  • Has the status of your issue changed since the last time you checked it?  Explain your answer.

No, my status of my issue haven’t change since the last time I check it because they are still working on it.

  • On Edublog #1 you were asked to predict whether or not SeeClickFix would fix the problem you reported.  Did you find that your prediction came true?  Explain your answer.

My prediction haven’t come true yet but I think it will later on because they are working on it.

  • Are you satisfied with the result of the issue you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

I’m kind of satisfied not 100% because they haven´t fix it but at least I know that they are trying to do something about it.

  • Do you think that SeeClickFix is a useful tool for helping people fix problems in their communities?  Explain your answer.

Yes, I actually think SEECLICKFIX is a helpful tool to fix people´s problems in their community because sometimes they do fix the problems or they work on it to fix it.

  • If you could change or improve SeeClickFix, what would you do?  Explain your answer.

If I could improve something about SEECLICKFIX it would be to make them more responsible of the problems that are going on with the city.

  • Which class project do you think was best able to help the people who resisted an oppression gain agency:  SeeClickFix or the May Day March?  Explain your answer.

I think that SEECLICKFIX was the best because they have already fix some people’s problems already and May Day March didn´t work at all because nothing has change on what we protest since the Walk-Out happened.

  • Do the results of the SeeClickFix and May Day projects imply that one form of resistance is better than another?  Explain your answer.

Yes, I think that one resistance was better than the other one because by using SEECLICKFIX we are gaining some agency and the protest that we did didn’t work instead it putted a lot of people in dangerous of their jobs.


SeeClickFix Blog #2

  • What did you learn about the status of the issue you reported to SeeClickFix? I learn that even though other people changed their stuff mine didn´t.


  • Describe the response you got about the issue you reported.  What was the message you received?  Who sent you that message? I saw my response and what the City Of Oakland tell me was that they unfortunately don’t have enough funding but that they are working on it so they can do something about because there have being a lot similar requests.


  • Describe how the 9th grade students are tracking the progress of the issue we reported using stickies and posters.  What do each posters mean?  I saw how things are changing based on the sticky notes we did and how they change to another poster.


  • Did you change the status of the issue you reported on a poster?  Explain why, or why not. No, I didn´t change it because when I saw the comment it say acknowledged still so I didn´t change it.


  • Did any patterns emerge on the poster about which issues are resolved, and which are not?  Explain your answer. The differences that I saw on the posters were that before the City Of Oakland respond us back the most sticky notes were on the poster that is call open and now there is almost nothing in there . I think that is change because the City Of Oakland is now doing something about it or already fix it.


  • Do you think 9th grade students are gaining agency based on their efforts on this project?  Explain your answer. Yes, I think that yes they are gaining agency because some of the students are getting their problem fix or the City Of Oakland is still working on it still.

SeeClickFix Blog #1

  • In your own words, explain what the words RESISTANCE and AGENCY mean.

The word resistance is when someone refuses to do something, or tries to prevent it from happening and the word agency is the ability to determine the outcome of one’s own life.

  • In your own words, explain what the term SOCIAL MOVEMENT means.

A Social movement is when groups of people work together to resist an oppression or make some kind of change.

  • What does the company called SEECLICKFIX do for people living in Oakland?

The company SEECLICKFIX are the people who are in charge to fix little problems like Potholes, broken sidewalks, graffiti, and trash that is on the streets.

  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression and gain agency?  Explain why, or why not.

I don’t´think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland because they are not doing their job and they are getting pay still.

  • Explain the story of how you took your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, how, and why).

When I got home I told my mom to take me to the streets where are potholes because I wanted to take a picture to potholes so then she took me to a street she knew there was a lot potholes and that it was closed to my house so then we got there I got out of the car and took a picture of a pothole, I took it a day before we have to turn in the homework and I took it in 1351 10th ave.

  • What did you do in class to join SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.

I went to SEECLICKFIX and create an account and fill in all the things that it told us like to put our names, put our Email and password into the little boxes that where there.

What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.

Something that I did in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX was go to SEECLICKFIX where it says report an issue we click there and we put the picture that we took there and give some information like giving them the address where the pothole was and details about if it was on the middle of the street or next to it  and then we just click report issue.

  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

I think that yes they would fix the problem that I report because SEECLICKFIX would be bothering the city of Oakland to fix the problem until they fix it.

Edublog Assignment #8

Gentrification is when people benefits from abusing the people who are being kick out of their houses by taking away where they live to make business with other people that has more money so they can get more money.

Oppression happens when the people who are kicking out the poor people of their own houses benefits from getting more money by selling their houses in a really good price and this oppressed them because they would have to live somewhere else.

The oppressors are the people who are taking away the houses of another group of people because they want to benefit from them by earning more money with their houses. The people being oppressed is the people who are being kick out of their houses because they are being abused and they are losing their houses where they live.

The person who wrote this was Christopher Wallace and the source is Fox News Politics. This is an website and it was written in February 17, 2017.

“Two new executive orders on immigration also were signed. The first called for hiring 10,000 new Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and pulling federal funds from so-called sanctuary cities; the other called for the construction of a southern border wall”.

Based on the criteria of reliable sources this information from this article is trustworthy because is not an old information that has being made it barely came out. We are in February 23, 2017 and this information it only has like one week because it came out on February  17, 2017.

In this situation the category of oppression that is happening is economic system because economic systems organized people based on the things they need, the things they make, and how those things are shared.

In this situation the level oppression that is happening is interpersonal because interpersonal is when oppression happens because of how one person has behaved towards another and in this situation the police officers are being very disrespectful with the people who own their houses by kicking and through the door without permission at whatever time they want so they can scare them and they can leave so they can take over their houses and make money with it.

Something that causes oppression is that rich people has a good standard and poor people don’t. Rich people take advantage of poor people by making them feel less for what they don’t have.

An effect of that oppression is that the poor people are not going to have where to live or money to buy themselves food or the things they need to live a life. Rich people would dehumanized them,they  would treat them like if they were a thing and they would not care about what the poor people need they would just take over whatever the poor people have to make them even worse.

Poor people would resist about that by fighting for their right, by trying to make their best and trying to show them that even though they are poor they can also do what rich people do with more time but they can.

In this case the people who are losing their houses cannot get agency back because they don’t got weapons to fight back the people who are taking their houses and the people who are taking their houses are more powerful than them because they got a lot of good weapons and agency is the ability to determine the outcome of one’s own life.

Edublog Assignment #5

Do you think Colonization, the Encomienda System, and the African Slave trade still influence people’s lives today?  

I think that maybe the African Slaves and Encomienda system still influenced them because the ancestor’s family that have being growing for years still think about how their ancestor felt and suffer during that hell.

Edublog assignment #4

What is a dominant narrative?

A dominant narrative is when people in a position of privileged tell the stories of someone who is not.

What are two examples of a dominant narrative?

A example of dominant narrative can be a man telling a woman how it feels to have a baby.

Another example of dominant narrative is a rich person telling a poor person how is it to be poor.

Edublog Assignment #3




My name is Meylin Murillo and I live in downtown Oakland, CA.

Where I grew up there were a lot of trees,dust, fruits,animals and almost most of the people only use flip flops and the people the live there do not have that much of fancy clothes.

I describe myself as a shy, honest, happy, and funny person that loves to be nice and to help people.

As a daughter I describe myself as a helpful daughter and sometimes annoying.

Some of my aspects of my identity are that i love pizza, i love to play soccer, and that my favorite soccer team is Barcelona.

First of all I put a picture showing what Dominant Narrative is, I put a picture of Donald Trump. I put a picture of Donald Trump as one of my Dominant Narrative  because it shows how mean he is and what bad things he says about Latin people but i think he talks bad about latin people because he has more power than us and we have less. I also put 2 more pictures describing Dominant Narrative, and one of the pictures were one girl talking bad about soccer, sometimes people would not like a game but that doesn’t mean they have to be talking bad of it because every people has different choices so nobody has the right to say bad things about other people’s thoughts or feelings. The other picture i put of Dominant Narrative was a rich guy talking bad about poor people he says “ that rich people don’t like to be around poor people” but that’s mean because it doesn’t matter if you are poor or rich God make all the people in the world equal but sometimes some people has more privileges than others. I think that people shouldn’t say nothing about others because that can happen to them too and they would not feel good or like when  people would say things like that about them. When i see this pictures I didn’t got mad but i got kind of sad because I think that sometimes even big people act with no mature. They just say things bad because they always want to feel bigger than us. 

First of all I put 3 pictures showing Counter Narrative, one of the pictures that I put to show Counter Narrative was a girl with a poster that said “ Donald Trump is racist” I put that picture because it shows how some people respond to what people that has more powerful than us treat us. I put this picture because I think that what it says on the poster is true. I also put a picture showing that not all people would like soccer but a lot of people do. Soccer for some people and me is like a part of our heart because when we have problems and bad things are happening to us we can at least forget it a little. The last pictures I put was a picture that says that sometimes people that has more than us or more power says bad things of people that has less to make them feel even better but sometimes they are having more trouble than the people that has less. This images make me feel good because I feel that this pictures really go with me, they make me feel proud of myself and how I am. 

The images that I put inside of my shadowbox were pictures that describe me on what I like and things that I love to do. For example I put a picture of my favorite soccer team that was Barcelona. Barcelona describe me because I think is the best team ever and I also love to play soccer and it’s my favorite team. I also put a picture of Candy, she is a girl.  When I use to be small I use to watch it every day and almost all the time, It was my favorite T.V show and

I still like it. I also put some pictures of my favorite book because I really like that book and it was the first book I read in this country. I put a lot of pictures that describe me and what I love to do. All this images affect me in a really good way because they all make me feel proud of myself and make me who I am.

In conclusion I think people might say about me that I might be a normal girl because I’m kind 

of quiet when I don’t have my friends around me. I describe myself as a not normal person because sometimes I get crazy for nothing or just by being surrounded by my friends and also because when I don’t have my friends I act like a normal girl. Telling the story of who I really am is important because they might not tell all the truth so it would be important to me to tell the truth so nothing would put me down or a lied. What I learn in this unit is that Counter Narrative is when you tell your side of the story and Dominant Narrative is when somebody that has more power than you tell a story about you that is not all of it true.

Edublog Assignment #2

In your own words describe what you are supposed to do to complete the 2016 Identity Project.  What will you do to make your shadowbox special?

We are supposed to put outside of a shoebox 3 narrative examples. Also we have to put 3 examples of Counter narrative. In the middle of the shoebox outside you have to put a picture that represents you. Inside of the shoe box you have to put a lot of pictures that represents you about what you like and what’s important to you. What i would do to make it special is that i would put a lot of pictures that represents how i’m and act and also that i would put all my effort on it to do it the most amazing i can.